samedi 14 octobre 2017

un tableau de Derain de sa période fauve au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Houston

André Derain, Route tournante à L'Estaque
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas
(mai 1993)

Quelques peintures françaises au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Houston :

- Claude Gellée, Pastoral Landscape with a Rock Arch and a River.
- Sébastien Bourdon, Laban Searching the Belongings of Jacob.
- Nicolas Chapron, The Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple.
- Laurent de La Hyre, The Rape of Europa.
- Philippe de Champaigne, The Penitent Magdalen.
- Nicolas Bertin, Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament Adoring the Name of Jehovah and Awaiting the Messiah.
- Jean-Baptiste Pater, Pastoral Concert.
- Jean-Baptiste Berthélemy, The Pest of Milan.
- Théodore Chassériau, Woman and Little Girl Playing with a Gazelle.
- Robert Lefèvre, Portrait of a Woman Leaning on a Green Velvet Cushion.
- Charles-François Daubigny, Sluice in the Optevoz Valley.
- Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Still Life with Bouquet.
- Claude Monet, The Japanese Footbridge at Giverny.
- Paul Signac, A Pine on the Road to Saint-Tropez.
- André Derain, The Turning Road (voir le tableau ci-dessus).
- Georges Braque, Fishing Boats.
- Henri Matisse, Portrait of Olga Merson.
- Henri Matisse, Woman in a Purple Coat.
- Albert Gleizes, Woman with Phlox.
- Roger de La Fresnaye, The Fourteenth of July.
- Pierre Bonnard, Dressing Table and Mirror.

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